No one stands alone
Real life happens every day, don't face it alone.
We are a community of imperfect people, for imperfect people, exploring life together. We keep things real and believe God has a purpose for all of our lives.

A church that loves God and people
Our position on the high street places us in the heart of the community. Everyone is welcome to come in, use our building, visit our coffee shop, join us in worship and grow with us as we learn together.
We are an inclusive church where everyone is welcome and everyone is valued.
Keeping our church running smoothly
Praise & Worship
We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to explore God in their own way.
Church Life & Activities
The pandemic has
taught us the value of friends and the joy of doing things together. Find a
group that is right for you or is there one you would like to start up?

Look how our church helped these members

The greatest thing about worshipping at Shirley Methodist Church is the fantastic support network. I was nearly 14 when I started coming to SMC, I am now 19 and have acquired my own church family. It can be daunting walking into a new place with established people, but I slotted right in, meeting new people who have become very special to me.

After our wedding, my husband and I felt drawn to Shirley Methodist Church as our new start as a married couple in our new community. Shirley became our church family, sharing in celebrations and those difficult times that life brings.
As our children have grown, we have become more intertwined in church life and have been particularly blessed by the rich musical heritage of the church and the supportive friendships.

I love attending worship at Shirley Methodist Church with the most wonderful friendly and welcoming extended family of people you could possibly imagine.
This modern welcoming church at the heart of Shirley has been my own family’s haven and spiritual home for the last thirty years, and I would love to see you there!
Come and join us
We enjoy being a inclusive church where we work together, worship together, and get together in many different ways.